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Night Guards

Dentist in Voorhees & Millville, NJ

dentist in voorhees and millville new jersey

Voorhees And Millville NJ Night Guard Dentist

Protect your smile from bruxism.

Our dentist in Voorhees and Millville, NJ, is accepting new patients. Book an appointment with us and discover the benefits of custom night guards.


A night guard forms a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth while you sleep. This prevents teeth grinding and clenching.


You may be a candidate if you grind or clench your teeth at night. Candidates often experience jaw pain and headaches upon waking.

What to Expect When Getting a Night Guard

During your first appointment, we’ll take impressions of your teeth to send to the lab responsible for making your custom night guard. When you return for your second visit, your night guard will be ready to take home. Before you leave, we’ll ensure that your teeth grinding guard has a snug and comfortable fit.

For the best protection, wear your night guard every time you nap or sleep. This will prevent your upper and lower teeth from coming into contact and causing any further damage to the enamel.

Night Guard Dentists Near Me
Night Guard Dentists Millville Nj

Your #1 Choice for Custom Night Guards

We make it easy to protect your smile from bruxism! If you suspect you’ve been grinding or clenching your teeth at night, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We’d be more than happy to evaluate your smile for any telltale signs of bruxism. What’s more, we’re ready to create a comfortable night guard that will not only protect your smile but help you achieve better quality sleep.

Dentist in Voorhees and Millville NJ
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Millville NJ dentist
Millville and Voorhees NJ Dentist

Meet Dr. Fuming Li

Dentist in Voorhees & Millville, NJ

Over 30 Years of Clinical Experience

Dr. Li is proud to serve as your local dentist in Millville and Voorhees, NJ. He offers a full range of services in addition to custom night guards and is looking forward to meeting you!