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Dentist in Voorhees & Millville, NJ

dentist in voorhees and millville new jersey

Renew your smile after tooth loss.

Our dentist in Voorhees and Millville, NJ, is accepting new patients. Book an appointment with us and discover the benefits of denture treatment.


Dentures allow patients with missing teeth the freedom to eat their favorite foods, maintain good oral health, and smile with confidence.


Patients with a whole row of missing or damaged teeth can benefit from a set of traditional dentures.

Partial Dentures

Patients who are missing only a few teeth may benefit from partial dentures. When you’re missing a few teeth, the spaces in your mouth can cause your other teeth to shift out of alignment and disrupt the health and function of your jaw. Partials can prevent shifts and interruptions from occurring.

Like their full-mouth counterpart, partial dentures are completely removable and made of acrylic and resin. Your partial denture appliance will closely resemble your natural teeth, restoring confidence to your smile.

Millville And Voorhees Nj Dentures Dentist
Denture Dentists Near You

Full Dentures

A full denture replaces the upper and/or lower arch of teeth—perfect for patients who have experienced significant tooth loss. Likewise, you may also be a candidate for full dentures if most of your teeth have experienced severe injury or decay.

At Solid Rock Dental, we provide conventional full dentures that rest on top of the gums. We also offer implant-supported dentures, which are held in place by titanium posts in the jaw and offer unmatched stability.

Your #1 Destination for Dentures

If you need to replace missing or severely damaged teeth, finding a replacement option is critical to protecting the health and function of your smile.

Please visit our Millville or Voorhees dental offices for an evaluation. We can have a set of attractive dentures made for you in just a few simple appointments.

Dentures Dentist Millville And Voorhees Nj
Dentist in Voorhees and Millville NJ
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Millville NJ dentist
Millville and Voorhees NJ Dentist

Meet Dr. Fuming Li

Dentist in
Voorhees & Millville, NJ

Over 30 Years of Clinical Experience

Dr. Li is proud to serve as your local dentist in Millville and Voorhees, NJ. He offers a full range of services in addition to denture appliances and is looking forward to meeting you!