Free Dental Implant / Full mouth reconstruction Consultation

If you are missing one tooth or several teeth and are just starting your tooth replacement journey, then booking a free consultation is your first step.

The consultation is an important step because it gives our team the opportunity to do a thorough oral examination and discuss your smile. During the discussion, we will also review your medical and dental history, and discuss your goals, concerns, and much more. During the oral exam, the dentist will examine your teeth, gums, and overall oral health to ensure that you are a good candidate for implants.

What Should I expect at My Consultation?

Here are a few things you can expect at your free dental implant consultation.

Oral Exam

Our dental team will examine your mouth to ensure you are a good candidate for a dental implant. The dentist will be checking the overall health of your teeth, gums, and mouth. The X-rays will be taken if necessary. If your situation needs 3D imaging that will provide our team with a complete view of your teeth above and below the gums, soft tissues, nerve paths, and bone density, then only 3D imaging fee will be charged at this consultation.

Treatment Options

Each patient is unique and requires a unique solution.  After a thorough oral examination, our dental team will discuss your tooth replacement options and provide a treatment recommendation. At this time, we’ll review the various steps involved in the recommended treatment and answer your questions and concerns.

Pricing, Insurance, and Financing

After determining the best treatment option, our team will be able to provide you with pricing for the recommended procedure. We can also answer any pricing-related questions you may have, including what your insurance will and will not cover, as well as your financing options. We do offer customized financial options to fit your budget.

Ready to Schedule Your Initial Consultation?